Stranger Things 5 Teaser Delivers Eerie Vibes With New Episode Titles 1 hour ago

In honor of Stranger Things Day on Nov. 6 — the day Will Byers went missing in 1983 — Netflix dropped a teaser Wednesday for the last season of the hit supernatural thriller. It gives fans a brief taste of what’s coming in the final run. Cryptic episode titles are the hallmark of the series, and the short trailer delivers that for the block of eight episodes arriving on Netflix in 2025. What do we know? The setting for Stranger Things 5 is fall 1987. 

We don’t have a solid release date yet for next year, but here are the episode titles to get your predictions going:

  1. The Crawl
  2. The Vanishing of ____
  3. The Turnbow Trap
  4. Sorcerer
  5. Shock Jock
  6. Escape from Camazotz
  7. The Bridge
  8. The Rightside Up

Viewers can likely expect a lot more Dungeons & Dragons canon (hello, Sorcerer), along with Vecna in the final leap, but these titles provide a little bit of insight into how scary things will get. Camazotz? That’s a reference to underworld bat spirits from Mayan mythology. And we wonder whose vanishing is worthy of an entire episode. 

Created by brothers Matt and Ross Duffer, Stranger Things first launched on Netflix in 2016. The fifth installment will premiere roughly three years after season 4, which left off with Sadie Sink’s Max in a coma and the gang reeling from Vecna’s attacks in the Upside Down and in the physical realm. For now, this tweet from the show’s writers’ room is the only other reveal about season 5, but you can celebrate Stranger Things Day today by streaming the first four seasons of the show on Netflix.
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