Owner’s Review: the Tudor Black Bay GMT

Pretty much since the first day of taking up the financially ruinous hobby of watches in early 2022, I’ve had a bit of a thing for tool and sports watches. Granted, I haven’t been scuba diving and I’ll certainly not be scaling Mount Everest any time soon, but there is – to me at least – something romantic about wearing a watch that offers a sense of genuine utility, especially in the age of the smartwatch. What’s more, I believe that a watch should tell something about its wearer; a glimpse into their personality rather than just be a status symbol and a source of bragging rights. When the opportunity for my first ‘proper’ watch arose in January 2023, I chose a Tudor Black Bay GMT. It was a belated 30th birthday gift and whenever I look at it, it reminds me that firstly, my knees hurt more often than they don’t, and secondly, reconciliation exists and hope springs eternal no matter how rough things may seem at certain times. 

There are also another two reasons unrelated to age as to why this watch is special to me. Several millennia ago as a student, I was fortunate to spend an academic year in St. Petersburg. That’s the Russian one, FYI, and that period from September 2010 to July 2011 kicked off a fascination with the awesome-yet-frightening city on Neva. In 2015, having also developed a love affair with the history of the Baltic States, I moved to Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, to try my luck at Eastern Europe without the paternal hand of the university on my shoulder. It was hard at first, but I ended up making several friends over there and eventually falling in love. I moved back to the United Kingdom in 2019 to be with that person, but my connection to both countries remains immensely strong, and that’s where the Black Bay GMT comes in. It sounds silly, but being able to track the time zone used by my friends in both countries (that’s GMT +2 in Lithuania, GMT +3 in Russia, if you’re interested) makes me feel somewhat closer to them, and I can still picture in my mind’s eye what I would be doing in either St. Petersburg or Vilnius at a certain time of day when I look at the watch. Another of my financially irresponsible pastimes is craft beer drinking, so if you get clever with the Black Bay GMT’s GMT hand, it’s always 5pm somewhere. 

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