The Samsung Galaxy Watch just got a lot more exciting for developers

Yesterday, Samsung announced a new way for developers to build functionality for its health-tracking features. The Samsung Health Software Development Kit (SDK) Suite opens access to the information gathered through Samsung devices, including the Galaxy Watch. This Suite is broken into four separate parts: the Sensor SDK, the Data SDK, the Accessory SDK, and the research stack.

The Sensor SDK allows developers to utilize the BioActive Sensor algorithm on the Galaxy Watch and updates how it tracks data. It also gives continuous access to advanced functionality for the first time, including infrared and Red LED data. It’s able to provide more in-depth measurements of eight existing health indicators like muscle mass and body composition.

The Data SDK might be the most important addition, especially since part of the SDK can take advantage of data gathered from the Galaxy Ring, smartphones, and other Samsung health devices. Developers can now measure the metrics recorded by the Samsung Health app and see how the algorithm translates the information into measurable stats.

The Accessory SDK lets developers integrate data gathered from third-party devices. This includes things like exercise bikes at the gym, heart rate monitors, and even glucose monitors. By bringing all of this information into one place, it not only streamlines how developers can access it but also makes it easier to keep all of the data stored within a single ecosystem.

The final part of the Suite is the Research Stack. This is an open-source project whose upcoming update will seamlessly connect data gathered from the sensors to the Health SDK Suite. In short, it provides researchers with more meaningful information.

It’s important to note that these SDKs are geared toward developers rather than independent app creators, but the functionality developers discover could very well have a major impact on the user experience for the Galaxy Watch. That said, it’s unlikely that independent apps will result from these SDKs. The more likely outcome is that Samsung will adapt any discoveries into future iterations of their devices.
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