Hands-On with the Archimede Pilot 42 GMT

As we all evolve as watch enthusiasts and collectors, our own personal microcosms usually start to mold to our own tastes and prejudices. Case in point, I’m a vintage chronograph guy, and as the years have passed I’ve burrowed deeper and deeper into the intricacies of that niche. Once you find a niche, however, you run the risk of developing a blind spot to the world outside. I’m guilty here as well; while my enthusiasm and involvement have grown through the years, I realized I’ve unintentionally overlooked two major segments in my travels. It wasn’t exactly intentional, but I’ve never given pilots or GMTs a fair shake.

Introducing the Archimede Pilot 42 GMT, a watch that brings together both.

Luckily, I’ve had the chance to rectify both of these oversights with this: the new Archimede Pilot 42 GMT, and after a while on the wrist I’m happy to say it’s opened up my eyes to both. Let’s break it down.

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