Hands-On with the Varon Chiri Blazer

Varon Chiri is a new microbrand based in South Korea. Their inaugural launch, the Blazer, was successfully funded on the Indiegogo platform and was designed in the style of classic sports watches that thread the line between dress and casual. In order to make a watch that would satisfy watch enthusiasts, prior to designing the Blazer, Varon Chiri put out a survey to the community. The result was a sort of “crowd-sourced” set of specs and dimensions from diameter to lug-to-lug to dial color, lens material, etc. Smart, but safe, the Blazer was meant to introduce the brand to the world, without causing controversy.

At launch, there are two versions of the Blazer – Korea and Standard – each in three colors for a total of six variations. Priced at $590 on a bracelet (though on sale for $449 at the time of writing) the Blazer is priced to be very accessible. For this hands-on, we will be taking a look at a press sample of the black Korea edition.

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