[Review] The Oris Pro Pilot X Challenges Our Perception of a Pilot’s Watch

So, I’m writing this intro without the watch in hand. Good news, it’s on the way. Out of the past year or so of releases, the Oris Pro Pilot X has got me pretty darn excited. It can be easy to get a little jaded in the world of watches (or anything that you’re so involved in), and when genuine excitement comes along it’s something that I jump at the chance to capitalize on. Without handling the watch, it still has that sense of mystery with a healthy side portion of hype. No, not the kind of hype that generates years-long wait lists or triple MSRP flip prices, but actual excitement for a watch that you can go out and buy. I decided to write this intro before handling the watch to convey that sense of excitement for something new that you still haven’t gotten to feel, touch, and wear. Think Christmas Eve at age 10 when you’re pretty sure there are going to be some kick-ass Godzilla toys under the tree, but you’re still not 100% sure whether you’re gonna get Godzilla himself or a Matthew Broderick “action” figure complete with worm collecting accessories.  

From afar, there’s a lot to like about the Pro Pilot X. It’s crafted entirely from titanium, features Oris’ new Caliber 400 with super impressive specs, and a 39mm x 12mm thick case with hard angles and a killer looking titanium bracelet to boot. Since trying on one of the skeletonized Pro Pilot X models back at a press event, I was pretty much sold on the design. I’m not so sure I’m a skeleton guy, and that watch was a little big which just makes this scaled down, more minimalistic entry into the lineup all the more appealing. Now that the watch is on its merry way to my office, I get to see if it stands up to the (self-generated) hype. Let’s strap this thing on and dig in.

Fast forward a few months later, and the watches finally showed up. It was like Christmas morning, but again — the presents are still wrapped and I’m not totally sure what I got just yet. Upon removing the watches from their respective boxes, the first thing I noticed was how light they were. Like, seriously light. There’s also some things to be said about the dials, but that’s what we’re here for — a full-on review, so let’s get to it.

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